Archive for the ‘ scupture ’ Category

Works in 3D

I don’t do a lot of sculpture, but I do some. I enjoy sculpture. The sculptures are labors of love, that require an enormous  number of work hours. The technique, which I loosely based off a technique used by the Greeks for masks for their tragedies is pretty involved. The masks and sculpture are considered as for sale unless otherwise noted.

Greek Tragedy Mask, Ageisthis, cloth, wire, plaster, oil paint inquire with artist.

I took a course, acting methods, with Dr. Kenneth Krauss. We needed to make a Greek mask for a reading of classic Greek tragedy. This is what I came up with.


Pregnant Virgin Mary, cloth wire, plaster, unpainted, NFS

Another view, pregnant Virgin Mary NFS (unless Sandy ever changes her mind and decides she wants it)

A friend, Sandi Dollinger, asked me to create a prop for her play, “Hap’y Birthday Greta Garbo,” I made a wire armature, and used plaster of paris. She was very happy with what I produced, and honestly I was too. It’s a pretty unique piece of art. It also survived being knocked off a table during several rehearsals.


A small carnival style decorative mask:


Carnival mask, cloth wire and plaster, unpainted. inquire with artist.

I made this for an event I was DJ-ing. Much too heavy to wear during my set (but I did wear it during most of the night). It is based on the Jim Henson created characters the Skeksis, in the movie “The Dark Crystal”

Horror-skeksis, plaster, wire, cloth, oil paint, with the artist.

Horror-skeksis, plaster, wire, cloth, oil paint, with the artist.


Another photo of the mask displayed:


“The Horror Skeksis” wire, cloth, plaster and oil paint, inquire with artist

My Lost Children

Many, many of my works of art were damaged or lost over the years. In this post, when I am able to recover an image of a piece of art I created that was lost or destroyed, I will post it here.

Oil on Canvas, met a bad end.

A lot of my work has been lost or destroyed, or simply left and neglected. This particular work is significant, because it was destroyed so dramatically. I managed to anger a past partner to a degree she attacked it with a kitchen knife while it was still drying on the easel. C’est la vie.

Abstract sculpture

If you look between the candelabra, and the edge of the dresser, there’s a white abstract sculpture made out of pottery that didn’t survive being fired (to the far right, it looks like a skeletal hand). The piece is clay, and some kind of glue. I made it in an independent study art class. It’s a “found object” sculpture. By the time I moved out of my parent’s house, it was broken and battered in so many places I threw it out, rather than take it with me.  The image was taken on a Pentax 35mm SLR that was the camera I used when I took photography in high school